Our Story

Made from the heart, honed from experiences

Elshka is a woman owned feminine care brand, offering products designed and crafted for those suffering in silence.
We are best known for our all natural, gentle vulva care blends bringing soothing relief to Australian women all over the country. 
The story began over 20 years ago in my parents kitchen, seeking a remedy for the injuries sustained from ongoing sexual abuse. Experiencing the impact of this sexual violence first hand, I learned the hard way how limited the options were for topical pain relief of the vulva. There was nothing available so I had no choice but to create something that didn't sting, burn, slide off, or cause an allergic reaction. 
14 yo me spent many hours and months until I had honed a recipe that would enable me to heal privately and get through a school day, whilst delivering quick pain relief  - Sacred. 
Over time, the recipe was developed from the original, seeking a lighter blend best suited for everyday care of the vulva, focusing on irritation, burning, itching and menopausal changes. My family and friends over the years contributed feedback, and eventually the winning recipe was finalised - Divine.
Growing up in an environment of strong, independent women from the country, creation and self sufficiency was encouraged. The senior women of the family knew how to stitch wounds, infuse herbs (Calendula!) into plant oils to promote skin healing on their cattle, grow their own medicinal garden, and how to nurse the farm animals back to vitality.
I never stopped creating, and motherhood gave me many new opportunities to continue creating and testing my recipes, storing everything in a book that I still use to this day. 
These family recipes were created from a desire to bring soothing relief to my loved ones, without causing further harm to their bodies or the planet.
These products have supported myself and my loved ones through sexual violence, menopausal and hormonal changes, recovery from childbirth, painful ovulations, hormonal breakouts, inflammatory conditions, & severe allergic skin reactions to the ingredients in our food & personal care products. They are safe enough to eat, have small ingredient lists, and are multi purpose. 

It brings so much joy to hear our customers are enjoying pain free intimacy again, enjoying soothing relief from painful symptoms of their vulva, dry patches clearing off their faces, or having that stubborn spread of back acne clear up. 

It truly is an absolute honour and joy to serve you, I am so grateful for all of your support of Elshka. 
Love Summah (Founder)